
Organizational Communication - COM 365 - March 10, 2003 - Davis Foulger

Answer 2 of the following 3 questions

1) Why it the Hawthorne study a time and motion study? What role to time and motion studies play in Frederick Taylor's Classical management approach? What went wrong in the Hawthorne studies that classical management theories couldn't explain? How do human relations theories explain what happened? What do managers do differently as a result when following human relations models?

What is the relationship of cultural perspective on organizations to systems models of organizations? What do we care about in systems theories that we don't care about in cultural theories? What do we care about in cultural theories that we don't care about in systems theories? What is the relationship of a system of people and a culture? Use Shein's six formal properties of organizational cultures to explain the workings of Weick's sense-making model (reproduced here):

3) Draw a management hierachy. Draw a communication network. How does a management hierarchy differ from a communication network? How is it similar? What roles are associated with each? What kinds of problems occur when communication is forced to flow through management hierachies? How does "Fayol's Bridge" solve these problems. What communication network role or roles most closely approximate(s) "Fayol's Bridge"?

Answer 2 of the following 3 questions

4) Listening is important in classical management approaches, human relations approaches, and human resources approaches, but for different people and different reasons. Who needs to listen within each of these approaches, who do they need to listen to, and why?
5) Describe the primary stakeholders associated with most organizations. How does each stakeholder contribute to the organizations goal of creating value? How does the power of stakeholders differ. Discuss stakeholders from both a systems and a critical perspective.
6) McGregor's Theory Y proposes that "People not only accept responsibility, but actively seek it." Maslow proposes that "The conditions that foster individual growth are also good for the organization." Likert recommends "System IV", a participative approach to management. What implications do these assertions have for management and for the use of self-managed teams?