Number Note
1 The term "Global Village", frequently quoted but rarely cited, is a compact restatement of the central thesis of McLuhan's (1964) introduction to :hp1.Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man:ehp1.: "After three thousand years of explosion ... the Western world is imploding. ... after more than a century of electronic technology, we have extended our central nervous system itself in a global embrace, abolishing both space and time as far as our planet is concerned. ... as electronically contracted, the global is no more than a village." (McLuhan, 1964, p. 19-20).
2These categories were developed in the later stages of this study as we moved from observation to theory. They will be used repeatedly in the pages that follow.
3This and other key dates in the evolution of the IBMPC computer conferencing facility are taken from the IBMPC LANDMARKS file on the IBMPC Computer Conferencing Facility.
4Including the author.
5"Public" in the sense that it was open to any IBM employee able to use VNET, IBM's internal computer network.
6All chapter references in this paper refer to specific chapters in Foulger (1990).
7A step interaction variable constructed by multiplying a dummy variable corresponding with the weeks in the period against an incrementing count of the weeks in that period.
8This step interaction variable better represents the acceleration in appends when it is transformed to an exponential. The current model accounts for 92.48% of the variance (R-squared) in appends to IBMPC (F=1450, df=3/354, p<.00001). Transformation of this variable to an exponential relationship allows the model to account for as much as 92.60% of variance (F=1475, df=3/354, p<.00001).
9The nature the step interaction variables in this analysis is such that the parameter estimate corresponds to a rate of acceleration in appends to IBMPC during the period.
10A dummy variable corresponding with the weeks in the period.
11A step interaction variable constructed by multiplying a dummy variable corresponding with the weeks in the period against a incrementing count of the weeks in that period.
12This lack of significance for the intercept is expected, as the absolute baseline for future growth on IBMPC is zero appends per week before December, 1981.
13A reference to R.D. Laings "Knots", a book of poems about the intricacies of human relationships whose style this offering imitates.
14Belongs to the first cluster of means, which includes six value questions with means ranging from 1.68 to 1.86. None of the questions in this first cluster of significantly different than any other according to t-test comparisons. All are significantly different than the other seven means in the analysis.:efn. :fn id=valgr12.Belong to both the first and second clusters of means. None of the four questions that load in both clusters are significantly different than the eight top means in the analysis, ranging from 1.68 to 1.96.
15Belongs to the second cluster of means, which includes six value questions with means ranging from 1.80 to 1.96.
16Belong to both the second and third clusters of means.
17Belongs to the third cluster of means, which includes three value questions with means ranging from 1.96 to 2.16.
18Belongs to the fourth cluster of means, which includes two value questions with means ranging from 2.52 to 2.61.
19Belong to both the fourth and fifth clusters of means.
20Belongs to the fifth cluster of means, which includes two value questions with means ranging from 2.61 to 2.75.
21Two variables suggested by Reardon and Rogers (1988) as important in distinguishing interpersonal and mass media.
22Potential Recipients are operationalized as follows:
  • low -- potential recipients measured in ones to tens.
  • medium -- potential recipients measured in hundreds to tens of thousands.
  • high -- potential recipients measured in units greater or equal to hundreds of thousands.

Potential Feedback is operationalized as follows:

  • low -- feedback unlikely for any given recipient
  • medium -- feedback slow and/or indirect
  • high -- feedback is rapid and direct
:rdef id=2colfac cwidths='3* * *'. :rdef id=3colfac cwidths='3* * * *'. :rdef id=5coltts cwidths='3* * * * * *'. :rdef id=2column cwidths='3* * *' align=right. :rdef id=4column cwidths='2* * * * *' align=right. :rdef id=imp9hdr cwidths='3* * * * * * * * *' hp=2 arrange='1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5/ 1 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5' align='left right'. .* arrange='1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3/ 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11' .* Means :rdef id=imp9col cwidths='3* * * * * * * * *' align='left right'.